>So far it does just seem like a show for 9 year old girls What you don't understand is that it's not only a show for little girls, but it's a GOOD show for little girls. That's the sort of approach I support and I'd like to see more in western animation. Faust got it right at first, the fandom and Hasbro made it something big and weird that really doesn't fit what Faust intended the show to be. Basically, from a good show for little girls, it became "Memebase: the Show". And my theory is that money is pretty much responsible for that perversion. Some people saw a potential goldmine in a show that became more of a meme than a work of art, and pandering is pretty much the worst consequence of all this. --- >>14285827 >I thought there would be little girls here If you take out the whole Pedobear joke, it's quite a sad statement, to be honest. Sometimes, I ask myself... What have we done? Should we just stay away from this mess and give the show back to kids? I have this feeling we have somehow tainted this show irreversibly. Hasbro or not, I don't care, somewhere Faust has failed in her wish to tell new stories to little girls. Then, you go out (that happens sometimes, yeah) and deal with the people of today. Among them, kids. You watch them as they can't stand still on their chair and have a seemingly never ending urge to stay permanently stimulated. You can't grab their attention anymore, let alone tell them a story... What do kids of these days dream of, anyway? It's like they eat shit and they like it, because they never tasted anything else... --- Of course, little girls and most parents too have no clue about bronies. But the simple fact that the show got out of the blue because OF bronies and not because it was the best little girls cartoon at the time changed how everyone involved into the show (this includes Hasbro Studios, DHX, etc.) sees it. For them, now, it's a matter of keeping the show popular. If it wasn't for bronies, maybe the show would have sunk sooner, but somehow untainted (at least, with far less drama), like some acclaimed but short-lived shows.